- 日期:2024年11月23日(週六)
- 時間:18:00-20:30
- 地點:台北市大同區重慶北路三段18號2F
|捷運| 大橋頭站三號出口步行約1分鐘
- 【方案一】烹飪體驗+講座+吃美食(共150分鐘)
- 【方案二】講座+吃美食(19:50-20:30,共40分鐘)
- 【方案三】線上同步參與講座(19:50-20:30,共40分鐘)
- Date: Saturday, Nov 23rd, 2024
- Time: 18:00-20:30
- Location: 2F, No. 18, Sec. 3, Chongqing N Rd, Datong District, Taipei City
|MRT| 1-minute walk from Exit 3 of Daqiaotou Station - There are three types of tickets available for participation:
- 【Option 1】Cooking Experience + Lecture + Food Tasting (150 minutes in total)
- 【Option 2】Lecture + Food Tasting (19:50-20:30, 40 minutes in total)
- 【Option 3】Online Synchronous Lecture Sharing (19:50-20:30, 40 minutes in total)
For more information, please click on the ticket to see the instructions.
關於摩洛哥 | About Morocco
The Kingdom of Morocco is located in the northwestern part of the African continent, adjacent to the southern coast of the Strait of Gibraltar and serving as a gateway from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. This land has historically been a melting pot of diverse cultures, including Berber descendants, Arabs, Jews, and Western European influences. Morocco is renowned for its multiculturalism and pleasant climate, earning it the nicknames “Cool Land under the Scorching Sun” and the “Garden of North Africa.”
Former King Hassan II vividly described Morocco as “a tree rooted in Africa but with leaves breathing European air,” highlighting the country’s characteristic blend of cultures that runs through its history and modern society.
Morocco’s fields of art and culture thrive, encompassing painting, sculpture, pop music, amateur theater, and film production. The nation boasts several impressive cities, including the four imperial cities of Fez, Marrakech, Meknes, and Rabat. Additionally, Morocco is home to the UNESCO World Heritage city of Seville and the famous “Blue City” of Chefchaouen, both brimming with unique cultural and architectural charm.
It’s worth noting that Morocco’s stunning landscapes and enchanting ambiance have also attracted many film productions, including the iconic film “Casablanca.”
Morocco is a breathtaking country that combines diverse cultures, natural beauty, and artistic creativity, offering visitors rich opportunities for exploration and adventure.
關於塔吉鍋 | About Tagine
BNF, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
In Morocco, every household owns at least one tajine pot, with many even having large tajine pots that can serve up to 10 people.
Tajine (طاجين) is a dish originating from North Africa, especially prevalent and emblematic in Morocco. The word “tajine” is derived from the Berber language, referring to the distinctive cone-shaped clay pot.
The cooking vessel for tajine is crafted from red clay, typically consisting of two red clay base pieces and a conical-shaped lid. This design is not only unique but also highly practical. It reflects the wisdom of ancient times, allowing for the preparation of delicious dishes even in high-altitude, water-scarce environments.
The origins of tajine can be traced back to the Berber people, and it is a generic term used to describe both the distinctive cooking container and the dishes prepared within it. In Morocco, particularly in the city of Tafraout, these tajines are handcrafted in a traditional manner, carrying a deep cultural background and historical significance.
- 蔬食鍋:青椒、四季豆、馬鈴薯、紅蘿蔔、白花椰菜、洋蔥、香菜
- 牛肉鍋:牛肉、洋蔥、紅蘿蔔、馬鈴薯、番茄、青椒、白花椰菜、辣椒、香菜(不吃辣的只要不吃辣椒即可)
- 地中海沙拉:小黃瓜、番茄、洋蔥、香菜
Ingredients include:
- Vegetable Tagine: Green bell pepper, green beans, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, onions, cilantro
- Beef Tagine: Beef, onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, green bell pepper, cauliflower, chili pepper, cilantro (For non-spicy, simply omit the chili pepper)
- Mediterranean Salad: Cucumber, tomatoes, onions, cilantro
工作坊內容 Event details
1.Experience Making Tajine
Note: Due to time constraints, some ingredients will be pre-prepared.
2.Introduction to “Moroccan Tajine” (Presentation Sharing)
- 摩洛哥塔吉鍋、地中海沙拉、麵包
- Moroccan Tajine, Mediterranean Salad, Bread
※The event will be conducted in Chinese.
饢的製作過程耗時,從麵糰發酵,如果工作坊從頭開始製作,至少需要 4 小時才能完成。為此,在工作坊開始前,YK 團隊和主廚已經在廚房花費大量時間和精力準備食材。
- 喜歡異國美食和文化
- 對異國烹飪有興趣
- 沒有烹飪基礎也可以參加
講師介紹 Instructor Introduction
Ola Nordmann
Customer Support
Lorem ipsum..
Muawiya 穆葉青
來自摩洛哥,曾經帶著塔吉鍋環遊摩洛哥,走遍大城小鎮,走到哪裡煮到哪裡,熱愛分享摩洛哥文化,為Morocco_摩洛哥大小事和慕予甜點Sweet Mu Yu創辦人。
Coming from Morocco, once traveled around the country with a Tajine pot, cooking wherever he went, from big cities to small towns. Muawiya have a deep passion for sharing Moroccan culture, and the founder of Morocco_摩洛哥大小事 (aboutmoroccoeverything) and Sweet Mu Yu desserts.
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